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Once in a Blue Moon (or twice, actually!)
On the thirtieth of this month, we will be treated to our second Full Moon in August. When a second Full Moon happens in a calendar month we call [...]
What’s Growing in Lucille’s Garden? Okra, Summer Squash, and Cucamelons
Have you been to Lucille's Garden yet this summer? Just a short walk past the Pollinator Preserve, our vegetable garden is bursting with edible goodness right now (1,000 pounds [...]
Learning to Hawk
In recent weeks, visitors to Tyler Arboretum have been hearing wild unearthly screams emanating from the trees in the area of the barn and Visitor’s Center. Folks are often [...]
Going Batty for Bats!
Though not a creature one typically meets in the wild, I’ve had two impactful encounters with bats. The first happened one night when I was awakened by an unusual [...]
July Update – Lucille’s Garden
Tomatoes, zucchini and cucamelon – oh my! The summer staples are rolling in here at Lucille’s Garden. The big news from the garden is that on July 29, [...]
Star of the Summer: Journey of the Cecropia Moth
An Abundance of Life Connecting people to the natural world is one of the most important steps in encouraging appreciation and protection of the environment. As an environmental science [...]
Aphid Avengers: The Lady Beetles of The Pollinator Preserve
Invaders Descend At the Pollinator Preserve, as with any garden, each year brings highs and lows. We excitedly anticipate the return of the common milkweed plants by late [...]
Lucille’s Garden Recipe Book – Cocktail Corner
With the arrival of summer, cocktails on the patio or around a fire pit always seem like a good idea. Why not use something from your own garden to elevate [...]