Cedar of Lebanon Blogs and Videos

The iconic and beloved Cedar of Lebanon will be deeply missed in the Tyler landscape. Check out the articles below for more information on the history of this special tree, our preservation efforts, and our plans for the future.

The Cedar of Lebanon – Genetics Saved by an Old Technique 

By Julia Lo Ehrhardt

From the time of planting between 1860 and 1870 until today, the Painter era cedar of Lebanon lived a glorious life — witnessing the transformation of a home farm to a place where a community of people would come to celebrate nature after a pandemic. Read more here!

Cedar of Lebanon – Witness to History

By Lynn Lampman

Initially, I was only worth 25 cents when Minshall Painter bought me from Hoppes & Bro. Nursery in West Chester in 1859.  I came home with another of my kind, and we got our first recognition in print in 1863…Read more here!

Cedar of Lebanon – Next Steps 

By Kathryn Ombam

Have you been wondering what Tyler has planned for the Cedar of Lebanon site after the tree is removed?  While plans are still being finalized, Tyler is excited to have the opportunity to reinterpret this area…Read more here!