Memorials & Tributes

Honor a friend or family member with a memorial or tribute gift to Tyler Arboretum. A meaningful way to celebrate a life well-lived, a new baby, a wedding or anniversary, or special birthday, your gift is placed in Tyler’s Annual Fund, where it will help protect and share Tyler’s natural lands and gardens with our community.

When giving online, please include the name of the friend or family member that you wish to honor in the ‘Comments’ section. To give online, follow this link.

We will send a thank you letter to each donor. To the family, we send a list of those who have given gifts in their family member’s name.

Contact Tyler Arboretum to designate a family representative for gift acknowledgements. Please provide name, address, email, and phone number.

Suggested wording for obituary, mass card, or church bulletin: 

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in memory of (name) to Tyler Arboretum, 515 Painter Road, Media, PA 19063 or visit, then select Give, then Memorials and Tributes.

With questions or to provide family representative information, please contact us at:


Thank you for considering Tyler Arboretum.