Sedum ternatum ‘Larinem Park’


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Pot Size: 1 Quart

Common Name: Stonecrop

Season of Interest: Late Spring

Exposure: Sun to Partial Shade

Plant Size: 4″ x 23″

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SKU: SKU010003523 Category:


The evergreen creeping selections of Stonecrop are excellent groundcover plants, particularly for hot, dry sites with poor soil. Larinem Park forms a low carpet of small, rounded green leaves, spreading to form a thick patch. Clusters of white starry flowers appear in late spring.

A fast grower, this is best kept away from slower alpine plants that it might smother. Also a good choice for tubs and mixed containers. Easy to propagate; simply break pieces off in early summer and stick them in the ground.

Larinem Park is more tolerant of shade and moisture than other Sedum species.

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