In our search for information, we discovered some great resources that we want to share with you. These organizations study and preserve important pollinator and associated insect species. Here are just a few places where you can go to learn more about their work.
You can help right in your own backyard by including plants in your garden that will support local pollinators! To get started, stop by the Butterfly House. The gardens are filled with beautiful plants that provide essential services to the insects that visit this garden through every stage of their life cycle. You can stroll the gardens and gather ideas and inspiration for your home landscape! For a deeper dive on the plants we included in our design you can check out our plant list.
For even more information about pollinator plants you can check out these two resources for tips on designing a pollinator garden and site specific plant recommendations. And stay tuned! Tyler will be teaching a class on Designing, Installing and Maintaining your Backyard Pollinator Garden later in the fall.