Tyler Connect – Legacy in Bloom2024-04-02T00:05:55-04:00


Spring is magnificent at Tyler, for visitors are greeted with the sight and scents of our flowering magnolias, lilacs, rhododendrons and our sweet ephemerals found throughout our woods.  In each hallow, dell, stream, meadow and trail, we see and experience the legacy of community, horticulture and conservation left for us from the founding family and the first staff of Tyler Arboretum; a time period beginning in 1682. When we look back at how Tyler came to be — it was because people who cared for their community had a love of nature and sought out knowledge to care for both.

Today, in 2021, whether you saunter through the carefully curated Wister Rhododendron Garden or the artfully designed Native Woodland Walk, you will witness our love and understanding of nature. On this land, you will discover native plants that were documented over 100 years ago that are still thriving.  As stewards of the natural world, our role is to share knowledge and expertise through our displays, interactions and published materials.  One activity that we look forward to every year is our Annual Plant Sale.  Each plant is selected by staff for its beauty and role in the garden. When you take one of these plants home, you take home a part of Tyler.

Choose from six explorations and take a journey with us as we share Our Legacy in Bloom.

We built Tyler Connect for people who love to explore nature, garden, or learn about conservation-wise techniques. It is available whenever you are ready.

Visit other Tyler Connect Features:

Artful Arboretum 2021Pollinator Paradise 2021Cultivating CommunityLegacy in BloomThe Promise of SpringThankfulness in ActionThe Artful ArboretumPollinator Paradise

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