Connect – Thankfulness in Action 20212024-04-02T00:05:03-04:00


“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” John F. Kennedy

Every day we are greeted with the beauty and wonder of the natural world. Its gifts surround us: in the stately presence of the trees, in the beauty of the garden, and in the friendships we build with the people we work beside. It lies with the wildlife who make their homes alongside our own and in the vast ecological community we all belong to. How do we show our gratitude for these blessings? By making the world a better place.

Winter is the perfect time to reflect on the year that has passed, and to come together to practice gratitude. Like our current story in our StoryWalk™ – “The Mitten”, we are all seeking warmth and shelter from the cold, and when we come together as a community we can all find what we need to survive. Let’s show our thankfulness this winter by coming together, supporting one another, and taking action to plan for the seasons to come. Take a stroll through the articles below to learn more about the steps we can all take – large and small – to practice Thankfulness in Action.

We built Tyler Connect for people who love to explore nature, garden, or learn about conservation-wise techniques. It is available whenever you are ready.

Visit other Tyler Connect Features:

Artful Arboretum 2021Pollinator Paradise 2021Cultivating CommunityLegacy in BloomThe Promise of SpringThankfulness in ActionThe Artful ArboretumPollinator Paradise

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