Spring is magnificent at Tyler, for visitors are greeted with the sight and scents of our flowering magnolias, lilacs, rhododendrons, and our spring ephemerals found throughout our woods. In each hallow, dell, stream, meadow, and trail, we see and experience the legacy of community, horticulture, and conservation left for us by the founding family and the first staff of Tyler Arboretum, a time period beginning in 1682. When we look back at how Tyler came to be, it was because people who cared for their community had a love of nature and sought out knowledge to care for both.
Today in 2022, that spirit of community, horticulture, and conservation lives on. We work together every day to steward this land we call home and leave a vibrant, balanced, and healthy ecosystem for the future. Together we can take action to provide safe food and shelter for pollinators to help combat the habitat loss they are experiencing around the world. With foresight and a spirit of resilience, we can plant species that will thrive into the future. And with dedication and a willingness to learn and grow, we can preserve and restore the artifacts of our history.
Choose from these three explorations and take a journey with us as we share Our Legacy in Bloom. We’ve also got a great series of tours and programs to help you participate in our Legacy in Bloom on-site at Tyler. Scroll down to learn more. Also we are continuing to offer our popular Gnome Scavenger Hunt! Stop by our Visitor Center to pick up your copy, or download one here: Can You Find Us?
Saturday Wildflower Walk | Return to Saturdays TBA | 5:00 – 7:00 pm
What Lives in the Pond? | TBD | 11:00 am – noon
Painter History Tour | TBD | 10:00 – 11:00 am
Bluebird Nesting Box Tour | TBD | 1:00 – 2:00 pm
A Chest Full of Stories with Miss Karen | TBD | 10:00 – 11:00 am
Richards Rambles: Bluebirds, Indian Rock & Stream Crossings | TBD | 10:00 – noon
We built Tyler Connect for people who love to explore nature, garden, or learn about conservation-wise techniques. It is available whenever you are ready.
Visit other Tyler Connect Features:
Artful Arboretum 2021 | Pollinator Paradise 2021 | Cultivating Community | Legacy in Bloom | The Promise of Spring | Thankfulness in Action | The Artful Arboretum | Pollinator Paradise